Oct 2017 10
XXIV ISST-HBF Gender and Economic Policy Forum
The Gender and Economic Policy Discussion Forum is organised by the Institute of Social Studies Trust (ISST) in association with the Heinrich Böll Foundation, India (HBF). The twenty fourth forum will be dedicated to the topic of digital India and gender. Dr. Anja Kovacs will be one of the speakers at the Forum.
The ‘Gender and Economic Policy Forum’ is a series of conferences being held between the months of January 2017 and October 2017. The intention of these forums is to bring together the best people from government, research and policy, to highlight key issues and add to the on-going debates. Discussion notes are prepared for wider circulation after each forum (notes on the earlier forums can be found at http://www.in.boell.org/web/112 – 862.html)
The twenty fourth Forum, on digital India and gender, will be chaired by Mr. MR Anand. Apart from Dr. Anja Kovacs, speakers will include:
Nandini Chami, IT for Change
Padmapriya Shastri, BBC Media Action
Osama Manzar, Digital Empowerment Foundation
Devahuti Choudhury, Grameen Foundation India
Some of the key concerns that the panel on digital India and gender at the twenty fourth Forum will explore include:
· Does a ‘digital India’ result in women’s increased agency and productivity?
· Will the ease of acquiring information and knowledge, better connected markets have an impact on women? Will women’s structural marginalization disadvantage digital equality?
· On the positive side, can women use digitization to change gender relations in their favour? Can the networking possibilities be used socially and politically, and in turn, enhance women’s position within home and outside?
· Or does it mean increased surveillance, control, towards strengthening of misogynistic forces and violence in the Indian context?
All are welcome to attend.