This online convening is organised by Khabar Lahariya on the occasion of International Women’s Day. Radhika Radhakrishnan is invited to speak on the panel, “Women and data, the many meanings of privacy & surveillance in rural India”.

This dialogue aims to disrupt the norm of minority women serving as the token diverse voice on a regular mainstream platform. Chambal Media is building a new platform with an opportunity to foreground rural women’s voices — a truly intersectional feminist media revolution.

Structure of the event:

Four sessions of free-flowing conversation between diverse panelists on the following topics:

Session 1 — Women and Power, Women in Power

Session 2 — Women as Content Creators, & Digital Dreams of Small-town India

Session 3 — Women in the News, As Image & Image-makers

Session 4 - Women and Data, The many meanings of Privacy & Surveillance in Rural India