Feb 2021 26
Cybersecurity and Digital Sovereignty in the BRICS Countries
The webinar is organised by the CyberBRICS project at FGV in Rio De Janeiro. Dr Anja Kovacs from the Internet democracy project is invited as a speaker.
Please click here to check the event info on FGV’s website.
This webinar will explore some key features of the Cybersecurity frameworks of the BRICS countries, their visions of digital sovereignty and the role of the BRICS grouping in fostering an alternative way of tackling such issues.
The webinar will also be the occasion to launch the book “CyberBRICS: Cybersecurity Regulations in the BRICS Countries” (Springer-Nature, 2021).
— CyberBRICS (@BricsCyber) February 8, 2021
Join our Team and our special guests @OliverStuenkel, Sergio Suchodolski, @mindyjiang and @anjakovacs for our #cyberBRICS Webinar on #Cybersecurity and #DigitalSovereignty in the #BRICS Countries, 26 February, at 10AM (Brasília time): https://t.co/820qRFx6Je pic.twitter.com/UMZRX37pYM
The speakers of the webinar are listed below:
Sergio Suchodolski, president of the Minas Gerais Development Bank and former Director of Strategy of the BRICS-led New Development Bank.
Oliver Stuenkel, Professor at FGV Sao Paulo and author of Post-Western World.
Min Jiang, Professor at the University of North Carolina.
Dr Anja Kovacs, Directress of the Internet Democracy Project, India.
👉 Meet our speakers:
— CyberBRICS (@BricsCyber) February 8, 2021
• @1lucabelli, FGV Law School
• @mindyjiang, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
• @anjakovacs, Internet Democracy Project India
• @OliverStuenkel, @FGVBrazil School of International Relations
• Sergio Suchodolski, President of BDMG Bank pic.twitter.com/DM0Gl9Jjrw
Register here to attend the webinar.
Please click here to check the event information on FGV’s website.